Construction Law in Phuket
Construction Law in Phuket: We not only share a Thai law article but also update it when laws, rules, and regulations change.
Construction Law in Phuket
Construction Law in Phuket: We not only share a Thai law article but also update it when laws, rules, and regulations change.
As law and its application are matters that are sometimes difficult to understand, we have made some changes to facilitate their understanding. We are pleased to provide the updated articles about construction concerning the common mistake of extra work construction, the construction delay claims, and how the construction defects list works in Phuket, Thailand. [...]
The construction defect list is one of the most important pieces of evidence in construction defect claims. It is one of the keys to the success of the claim both in court and in arbitration. This article is going to address the defect list, one of the most common mistakes in construction lawsuits. How [...]
This article gives you a wide picture of the common mistakes in extra work claims in construction. As you may know, the extra work is not a dispute in itself. But it is a ground for arguments and disputes that are the same as the original construction contract. Possible Arguments and Disputes: There will [...]
This article is about construction delay claims. One of the common mistakes of the owner that can cause great damage to the owner When there is a delay in the construction and some owners make the payment or accept the work without reserving the rights of claim, the common mistake arises. Strong Provision About [...]