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Business and Commercial Law in Phuket

Business and Commercial Law in Phuket: We not only share a Thai law article but also update it when laws, rules, and regulations change.

Contract of Sale in Phuket

The ‘Contract of Sale’ or "Sale and Purchase Contract". Under Thai law, this contract only relates to the transfer to another person of the ownership of property1. It differs from the "sale of goods" in other countries, which can be related to a wide variety of transactions, including buying something tangible in a shop or [...]

By |2023-05-09T17:14:52+07:00May 18, 2022|BUSINESS LAW, CONTRACT LAW|

e-Commerce Legal Basic in Phuket

Businesses and commerce are rapidly transforming into social networking on the internet. E-commerce becomes increasingly globalised. There are a variety of elements to take into account when transforming, such as SEO, analytics, payment processing, website design, social marketing, and customer management, for instance. Importantly, a number of laws are in effect for e-commerce. Therefore, e-commerce [...]

By |2023-05-09T17:20:04+07:00May 7, 2022|BUSINESS LAW, E-COMMERCE LAW|

Arbitration in Thailand

This article introduces you to basic information about Thailand arbitration, which includes an overview, jurisdiction, governing law, languages and documents, and arbitration representative. This dispute resolution is often used to resolve commercial disputes, particularly those involving international commercial transactions, because business disputes not only need a legal expert to deliver a judgement or decision [...]

By |2023-05-31T21:43:20+07:00April 13, 2022|BUSINESS LAW, INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW, LITIGATOIN LAW|

BOI Promotion On Tourism Industry

Phuket is a magnet for tourism. With many attractions, the tourism industry in Phuket is always hot, and BOI's (Thailand's Board of Investment) promotion of tourism businesses is always mutually beneficial to investments. This article provides additional information to BOI's website and contains all types of tour businesses that are Phuket-based (Thailand-based) and are [...]

By |2023-06-06T16:00:13+07:00April 13, 2022|BUSINESS LAW, INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW|

Mortgage in Thai Law

This article provides you with essential information about mortgages, which are one type of collateral or security for debt repayment, whether it is land, a house, a condominium, a factory, a warehouse, or other buildings. On the one hand, it is a stable guarantee because the creditor is still entitled to be paid even [...]

By |2023-06-06T16:01:42+07:00March 30, 2022|BUSINESS LAW|

Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) 2022

From January 1, 2022, Thai financial institutions will be required to collect and share financial account and tax information with the Thai Revenue Department in order to comply with the automatic exchange of information (AEOI) requirements set by the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (MAAC). On June 3, 2020, in Paris, [...]

By |2023-06-06T16:05:47+07:00March 2, 2022|BUSINESS LAW, E-COMMERCE LAW, LAW NEWS|

Sale With the Right of Redemption in Thailand

In this article, we’re going to give you essential information about sales with the right of redemption under the Civil and Commercial Code of Thailand (CCC) and the protection of people in sales with the right of redemption of land for agriculture or housing under B.E. 2562 (PAHA). This type of contract is always [...]

By |2023-06-06T16:08:52+07:00February 2, 2022|BUSINESS LAW|

Introduce to International Trade and Business Law

Introduce international trade and business law It is the branch of law that proposes to study standards and international commercial regulations. Globally, there is a huge amount of trade across different geographical areas, often with different practices. It is a question of seeing if there is harmonisation and how this harmonisation takes place. International [...]

By |2023-05-31T23:54:48+07:00January 19, 2022|BUSINESS LAW, INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW|

Rescission of Contract in Thai Law

After a contract has been made, it may be terminated. In some cases, after the termination, there will be no legal obligation between the parties, but in other cases, the parties must return to where they were at the time of entering into the contract, a process called rescission of a contract, which this [...]

By |2023-06-06T16:18:03+07:00December 8, 2021|BUSINESS LAW, CONTRACT LAW|
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